
Does the SenateSense platform have an Admin feature ? If so, who has access ?

Senate Questions

Senate Questions
13 May 2021

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A: SenseCheck

  • 1 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 0 Other


  • 26 May 2021
  • Yes


    The Administration portal of your platform will be controlled by the platform's administrator, typically a designated responsible member of your team/group/organisation.

    The features of the administration portal include :
    - Users : ability to invite, activate and block users
    - Tags : ability to add additional tags to assist in search, sort and filtering of questions
    - Questions : a list of all questions, with the ability to de-activate, e.g. if there has been a breach of the Acceptable Use policy
    - Website : ability to customise the text on your own site e.g. joining message, banners, buttons, labels and urls
    - Content Upload : a feature that allows you to pre-populate your platform via a bulk upload of users, and/or questions, and/or answers
    - Look and Feel : ability to bespoke the colours, fonts and images
    - Email : a feature that allows you to design the text, look and feel of your platform's email notifications
    - Notifications : allows you to select various options on notifications
    - Metadata : the ability to set the text and images when sharing your platform
    - Settings : allows for general access, domain limits, topic tags and gamification

    Jan Edmunds

    Jan Edmunds